Scott Roberts, KK4ECR, ARRL Section Manager – Northern Florida Arc J. Thames, W4CPD, Section Emergen (KE5MHV)
Saturday, 2:15 PM to 3 PM (CS2)
ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service® – ARES® Forum
• Scott Roberts, KK4ECR, ARRL Section Manager – Northern Florida
• Arc J. Thames, W4CPD, Section Emergency Coordinator – Northern Florida, and FL State Amateur Radio Liasson
ARES® members are radio amateurs who volunteer their qualifications and equipment, with their local ARES leadership, for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes. Come learn about opportunities to volunteer and train, and to hear stories about best-practices, the importance of building mutually beneficial relationships with local emergency management services, and the importance of our partnerships with served agencies. Sponsored by ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®.