Saturday, 11:45AM - 12:45PM
Basic Concepts of HF Antennas
Presenter: Bob Lewis, N8GU
With operating activities such as POTA, portable antennas of various types and styles have emerged. This lecture is a presentation on understanding the practical basic aspects of antenna theory to better understand how to make the vertical or horizontal antenna work best for the user's application.
Bob Lewis, N8GU, recent 2024 President of the Fort Myers Amateur Radio Club, is an ARRL registered license instructor. He has made educational presentations around the country at various hamfests and other venues. His teaching style is focused on the practical operating aspects of amateur radio inclusive of portable antennas, CW, digital HF modes, contesting, and understanding how to operate an HF radio. "Being an Elmer is my greatest joy of amateur radio" - Bob Lewis N8GU