Saturday, 1:00PM to 2:00PM
Applications of WSPR Technology
Presenter: Martin Buehring KB4MG
This session explores the origins and basic characteristics of the WSPR (Weak Signal Propagation and Reporting) protocol and how amateur operators can use this for different applications. We will explore the numerous ways you can send and receive WSPR signals and use this information to assess basic propagation, test and compare antennas, and see the effects of day and night propagation, and the effects of space weather. Some advanced applications will also be mentioned for using WSPR in amateur balloon launches and tracking. Finally, we will look at kits and ways to homebrew your personal WSPR systems.
Martin Buehring – KB4MG
Martin is the President of the Cherokee Amateur Radio Society, Woodstock, GA (WX4CAR) and a retired Technical Director at Siemens EDA. He has a BSEE in Computer Engineering and worked for Mentor Graphics for over 30 years in Applications Engineering related to semiconductor design and test. Martin was licensed as a teen but put ham radio aside. He then got back to it in 2013, and now holds an Amateur Extra Class license as KB4MG. Martin has been published in QST magazine's November 2022 “Club Station” column, presented at the QSOToday Expo in March of 2023 with author Dave Jensen(W7DGC), presented a Forum at Huntsville Hamfest August-2024,and was interviewed for QSOToday Podcast by Eric Guth in Episode 485 (January 2024). He enjoys Contesting, DX, homebrew projects of many kinds, and experimenting with WSPR.