Calm Voice in the Storm, Amateur Radio Relevance in Disasters
David Craig, Danniel M. Gitro, Robert G. Carroll, Christopher S. d’Hedouville (N4RI, K2DMG, KK3S, KQ4PZC)
Saturday, 11:45AM - 12:45PM
Calm Voice in the Storm, Amateur Radio Relevance in Disasters
Presenter: David Craig N4RI (Moderator), Danniel M. Gitro K2DMG, Robert G. Carroll KK3S, Christopher S. d’Hedouville KQ4PZC
Description: A round table discussion about how amateur radio is still relevant today during disasters. The panel will discuss three recent storms and the use of amateur radio in the response. Highlighted discussions on several water rescues facilitated via Florida SARnet and the wide use of the Mt Mitchell Repeater in Western NC to coordinate response efforts.