Friday, 1:00PM to 2:00PM
An Antenna Remote-Control Tuning System
Presenter: Nelson Sollenberger, KA2C
Remote control signaling using 2.4 GHz ESPNOW providing 1 Mbps data rates is multiplexed with 1.5 kW HF TX signals and 12 VDC up to 2.5 A on a shared coax to control remote tuners, antenna switches,....
A small low-cost bias tee PCB with 4 ports is used at each end of the shared coax for combining and separating the signals. An inverted vee on 160 meters is automatically remotely tuned across the band
to provide full band coverage. See QST Nov, 2024. Using this system for different types of verticals, dipoles and inverted vees and multiband antennas for 160, 80 and 40 meter antenna systems will be discussed.